Results for 'Tanzeen Rashed Doha'

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  1.  13
    Godforsakenness.Tanzeen Rashed Doha - 2024 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (2).
    This essay traces the dynamic encounter between Rohingya ulama (scholars), who travel as muhajir (migrants), and Bangladeshi Deobandi Islamists, who re-enact the role of the ansar (helpers), as they explore godforsakenness during two waves of migration in 2016 and 2017. Bringing together theological aphasia and references to contemporary jihad, this ethnographic meditation calls into question the assumptive logics of secular historicism and liberal humanitarianism as it confronts the deathworld of the War on Terror through Islam’s founding texts and traditions. Drawing (...)
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  2. Translation and introduction: Alexandre Koyré’s “Hegel at Jena”.Doha Tazi - 2018 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (3):361-400.
    This is a translation of Alexandre Koyré’s important, but overlooked essay “Hegel à Iéna.” The essay originally appeared in Alexandre Koyré, Etudes d’histoire de la pensée philosophique. A contribution to the philosophy of time, this essay had a profound but generally unrecognized influence on Alexander Kojève, Jean Hyppolite and Jacques Derrida.
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    Alexandre d'Aphrodise, Commentaire Perdu À la "Physique" d'Aristote : Les Scholies Byzantines. Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire.Marwan Rashed - 2011 - De Gruyter.
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    Chapitre V – Partie complétive et sauvegarde.Marwan Rashed - 2007 - In Essentialisme: Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 147-165.
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    African Man and Two Classical Miths.Yeoshoua Rash - 1975 - Diogenes 23 (91):128-132.
    The debate prompted by Meyer Fortes in his account Oedipus and Job in West-African Religions is valuable for its insight into the peoples of the Black Continent. In fact, if the basic motivations behind the two cited mythical stories can be discerned to any extent among the Tallensi of Ghana, and also, as the author suggests, within many other ethnic groups, it will be easier to establish characteristics common to all mankind, the elements of similarity being of a more primordial (...)
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    Al-samaw'al, al-bīrūnī et brahmagupta: Les méthodes d'interpolation*: Roshdi Rashed.Roshdi Rashed - 1991 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 1 (1):101-160.
    In a manuscript which is being studied here for the first time, al-Samaw'al quotes a paragraph from al-Bīrūnī which shows that the latter knew not only of Brahmagupta's method of quadratic interpolation, but also of another Indian method. Al-Samaw'al examines these methods, as well as linear interpolation, compares them, and evaluates their respective results. He also tries to improve them. In this article the author shows that al-Bīrūnī had used four methods of interpolation, two of which were of Indian origin; (...)
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    Al-qūhī: From meteorology to astronomy: Roshdi Rashed.Roshdi Rashed - 2001 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 11 (2):157-204.
    Among the phenomena examined in the Meteorologica, some, although they are sublunar, are too distant to be accessible to direct study. To remedy this situation, it was necessary to develop procedures and methods which could allow observation, and above all the geometrical control of observations. The eventual result of this research was to detach the phenomenon under consideration from meteorology, and to insert it within optics or astronomy. Abū Sahl al-Qūhī, composed a treatise on shooting stars in which he carries (...)
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  8.  48
    Essentialisme: Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie.Marwan Rashed - 2007 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    This book is the first study of the ontological system of Alexander of Aphrodisias (floruit c. 200 AD), famous for his commentaries on the works of Aristotle.
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  9. Theodicy and approximation: Avicenna: Marwan Rashed.Marwan Rashed - 2000 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 10 (2):223-257.
    Our aim here is to show that an enigmatic text of Avicenna's Glosses, devoted to the problem of evil, takes on its full meaning in the light of the last chapter of the Šifā ' on De generatione et corruptione. We will see how Avicenna, deepening and developing a cosmological argument already present in the commentary of Alexander of Aphrodisias on the De generatione, ends up building most of his theodicy on the relative incommensurability of the different celestial periods. All (...)
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  10. Sur un théorème de géométrie sphérique: Théodose, ménélaüs, Ibn ʿirāq et Ibn hūd: Roshdi Rashed et Mohamad al-houjairi.Roshdi Rashed - 2010 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 20 (2):207-254.
    In his encyclopedic book, the mathematician of Saragossa, Ibn Hūd, established by an intrinsic demonstration of spherical geometry, a remarkable theorem which generalizes the proposition III.11 from Theodosius’s Spherics and integrates the propositions III.23-25 from Menelaus’s Spherics. In this paper, we study this theorem and the demonstration of Ibn Hūd. The reader will find also some established and translated texts addressing the same theme. Résumé Dans son livre encyclopédique, le mathématicien de Saragosse, Ibn Hūd, établit par une démonstration intrinsèque de (...)
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    Les constructions géométriques entre géométrie et algèbre: L'épître d'ab al-jd à al-brn: Roshdi Rashed.Roshdi Rashed - 2010 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 20 (1):1-51.
    Abū al-Jūd Muḥammad ibn al-Layth is one of the mathematicians of the 10th century who contributed most to the novel chapter on the geometric construction of the problems of solids and super-solids, and also to another chapter on solving cubic and bi-quadratic equations with the aid of conics. His works, which were significant in terms of the results they contained, are moreover important with regard to the new relations they established between algebra and geometry. Good fortune transmitted to us his (...)
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  12.  62
    The Identity of Psychiatry and the Challenge of Mad Activism: Rethinking the Clinical Encounter.Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (6):598-622.
    Central to the identity of modern medical specialities, including psychiatry, is the notion of hypostatic abstraction: doctors treat conditions or disorders, which are conceived of as “things” that people “have.” Mad activism rejects this notion and hence challenges psychiatry’s identity as a medical specialty. This article elaborates the challenge of Mad activism and develops the hypostatic abstraction as applied to medicine. For psychiatry to maintain its identity as a medical speciality while accommodating the challenge of Mad activism, it must develop (...)
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  13.  37
    Abū hāšim al-ǧubbāʾī, algèbre et inférence.Marwan Rashed - 2020 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 30 (2):191-228.
    This article aims to unravel the doctrine of the “sign from the manifest to the hidden” of Abū Hāšim al-Ğubbāʾī. It shows that Abū Hāšim tended to interpret this sign as an inference, of which he recognized two main types: Type-1 proceeds by analytical deduction of concepts by neutralizing the conditions of their realization, i. e. their ontological basis. This is, typically, the procedure most directly consonant with Abū Hāšim's modal ontology. Type-2 exhibits the same causal relationship at the known (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Aristophanes and the socrates of the phaedo.Marwan Rashed - 2009 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 36:107.
  15. Istirātījīyat istiʼnāf al-bināʼ al-ḥaḍārī lil-ʻālam al-Islāmī fī fikr Mālik bin Nabī.Mūsá Laḥrash - 2006 - ʻAnnābah, al-Jazāʼir: Jāmiʻat Bājī Mukhtār, Mukhtabar al-Tarbīyah, al-Inḥirāf wa-al-Jarīmah fī al-Mujtamaʻ.
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    De Cordoue à Byzance.Marwan Rashed - 1996 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 6 (2):215.
    The editing of three anonymous Greek texts preserved in the Parisinus Suppl. gr. 643 allows us to clarify certain ideas on the transmission of knowledge in the Mediterranean during the second half of the 13th century. These texts are in fact translations from Latin probably made at Salerno at the end of the Norman period or at the beginning of the Angevin dynasty. They allow us to establish the influence of the Parisian Faculty of Arts on the Sicilian intellectual milieu (...)
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  17.  23
    Ibn al-haytham et le mouvement d'enroulement.Roshdi Rashed & Erwan Penchèvre - 2020 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 30 (1):27-137.
    RésuméDans l’Almageste, Ptolémée a proposé le concept du mouvement d'enroulement pour expliquer notamment les latitudes planétaires. Ibn al-Haytham a rédigé un traité intitulé Fī ḥarakat al-iltifāf, « Surle mouvement d'enroulement ». Un anonyme a écrit une critique de ce traité. Les deux mémoires sont perdus; mais heureusement a survécu la réponse d'Ibn al-Haytham, intitulée Fī ḥall šukūk ḥarakat al-iltifāf, « La résolution des doutes sur le mouvement d'enroulement ». Il y rappelle le modèle élaboré et en détaille encore l'explication. Nous (...)
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    Ibn Al-Hayṯam, Sur le Miroir Ardent Parabolique.Roshdi Rashed - 2023 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 33 (1):25-54.
    This article includes the editio princeps of Ibn al-Hayṯam’s treatise “On the Parabolic Burning Mirror,” Fī al-marāyā al-muḥriqa bi-al-quṭūʿ, as well as its first translation into French. We examine its place in the history of the parabolic mirror for more than a millennium and a half, in Greek as well as in Arabic and Latin.
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    Le commentaire par al-Kindī de l' Optique d'euclide: un traité jusqu'ici inconnu.Roshdi Rashed - 1997 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 7 (1):9-56.
    Après avoir écrit son fameuxDe aspectus, al-Kindī a composé un substantiel commentaire critique de l'Optiqued'Euclide: laRectification de l'erreur et des difficultés dues à Euclide dans son livre appelél'Optique. Jusqu'ici ignoré, ce nouveau venu n'enrichit pas seulement notre connaissance de l'optique des géomètres du milieu du IXesiècle, mais aussi celle de l'antiquité tardive. Ce premier commentaire connu de l'Optiqued'Euclide soulève à nouveau la question des traditions textuelles de ce traité, de leur multiplicité, du rôle de Théon d'Alexandrie; il pose aussi le (...)
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    Pseudo-euclide, pseudo-ptolémée et thiasos sur Les miroirs.Roshdi Rashed - 2022 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 32 (1):1-65.
    Among the writings devoted to the reflection of “visual” and solar rays on various mirrors, there are two that preceded many others and that occupy a central position in the history of catoptrics: one is attributed to Euclid, the other to Ptolemy. To these two names, we add a third, hitherto unknown, Thiasos. In this article, we take up the textual and conceptual history of this catoptric research tradition.
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  21. Rabbi Eliézer et son fourneau. Les débats des Sages de Yabné in Croisées du judaïsme.Y. Rash - 1986 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 74 (4):483-510.
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    Thābit Ibn qurra et la théorie Des parallèles: Thābit et la théorie Des parallèles.Roshdi Rashed - 2005 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 15 (1):9-55.
    Deux opuscules nous sont parvenus de Thābit ibn Qurra sur la théorie des parallèles. Ces deux traités sont bien connus et ont fait déjà l'objet de plusieurs commentaires et traductions. Nous pensons reprendre ici aussi bien l'édition que la traduction et le commentaire pour mieux situer la contribution de Thābit ibn Qurra après la publication récente de ses œuvres en astronomie et en mathématiques.
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  23. On the authorship of the treatise On the harmonization of the opinions of the two Sages attributed to al-Fārābī.Marwan Rashed - 2009 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 19 (1):43-82.
    The present article aims to show that the treatise On the Harmonization of the Opinions of the Two Sages the Divine Plato and Aristotle cannot have been written by al-FbwillryAdAdrr in the field of cosmology, for theological reasons.
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  24.  35
    Higher-Level Paradoxes and Substructural Solutions.Rashed Ahmad - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-25.
    There have been recent arguments against the idea that substructural solutions are uniform. The claim is that even if the substructuralist solves the common semantic paradoxes uniformly by targeting Cut or Contraction, with additional machinery, we can construct higher-level paradoxes (e.g., a higher-level Liar, a higher-level Curry, and a meta-validity Curry). These higher-level paradoxes do not use metainferential Cut or Contraction, but rather, higher-level Cuts and higher-level Contractions. These kinds of paradoxes suggest that targeting Cut or Contraction is not enough (...)
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  25.  44
    An Approach to the Boundary Problem: Mental Health Activism and the Limits of Recognition.Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (4):297-313.
  26. Al-fārābī's lost treatise on changing beings and the possibility of a demonstration of the eternity of the world.Marwan Rashed - 2008 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 18 (1):19-58.
    This article proposes a reconstitution of the philosophical tenor of al-Fb al-Mawdayyira). It is shown that this work is not only a response to book VI of John Philoponus' Contra Aristotelem, but that its real issues can only be grasped in the context of the author's metaphysical system. Although, for al-Fbī, genuine demonstrations proceed from the cause to the caused, thus following the order of being, it will be explained how he also admits a strictly physical proof of the simple (...)
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  27.  75
    Priorité de l'eiδoσ ou du [ghe, cyrillic]enoσ entre andronicos et Alexandre: Vestiges arabes et grecs inédits.Marwan Rashed - 2004 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 14 (1):9-63.
    La diffusion d'Alexandre d'Aphrodise, en raison de la qualité inégalée de son exégèse d'Aristote, est celle des textes vivants. Simplicius est plus érudit, Philopon plus critique, Averroès plus savant. Mais Alexandre possédait un art de la synthèse entre l'analyse philologique de la lettre et la saisie de l'orientation générale d'un texte, qui fait de lui l'Exégète par excellence. On comprend, dans ces conditions, que sa transmission ne soit pas le relais linéaire d'un ‘‘témoin” figé. Citons aussi bien le recours extensif (...)
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  28.  19
    Note : Un témoin arabe du fragment 2 de Boéthos de Sidon et le problème du rapport chronologique entre Andronicos et Boéthos.Marwan Rashed - 2021 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 31 (2):257-263.
    Le fr. 2 de Boéthos de Sidon est transmis par deux commentateurs alexandrins des Catégories d'Aristote. En voici le texte grec:[2a] Ioannes Philoponus, In Aristotelis Categorias commentarium, 5.15-20Τρίτον ἦν ἐφεξῆς κεφάλαιον τὸ πόθεν δεῖ ἄρχεσθαι τῶν Ἀριστοτελι-[16]κῶν συγγραμμάτων. Βόηθος μὲν οὖν φησιν ὁ Σιδώνιος δεῖν ἀπὸ τῆς [17] φυσικῆς ἄρχεσθαι πραγματείας ἅτε ἡμῖν συνηθεστέρας καὶ γνωρίμου, δεῖν [18] δὲ ἀεὶ ἀπὸ τῶν σαφεστέρων ἄρχεσθαι καὶ γνωρίμων. ὁ δὲ τούτου δι-[19]δάσκαλος Ἀνδρόνικος ὁ Ῥόδιος ἀκριβέστερον ἐξετάζων ἔλεγε χρῆναι πρό-[20]τερον ἀπὸ τῆς λογικῆς (...)
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  29.  76
    Madness and the Demand for Recognition: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Identity and Mental Health Activism.Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed - 2019 - Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    Madness is a complex and contested term. Through time and across cultures it has acquired many formulations: for some, madness is synonymous with unreason and violence, for others with creativity and subversion, elsewhere it is associated with spirits and spirituality. Among the different formulations, there is one in particular that has taken hold so deeply and systematically that it has become the default view in many communities around the world: the idea that madness is a disorder of the mind. -/- (...)
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  30.  84
    Al-quhi: From meteorology to astronomy.Roshdi Rashed - 2001 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 11 (2):153-156.
    Among the phenomena examined in the Meteorologica , some, although they are sublunar, are too distant to be accessible to direct study. To remedy this situation, it was necessary to develop procedures and methods which could allow observation, and above all the geometrical control of observations. The eventual result of this research was to detach the phenomenon under consideration from meteorology, and to insert it within optics or astronomy. Abū Sahl al-Qūhī , composed a treatise on shooting stars in which (...)
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  31. Attitudes juives a l'égard de non-juifs: Références bibliques, talmudiques et actuelles.Y. Rash - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (2):177-197.
    Quel doit être le comportement éthique du juif à l'égard du non-juif ? Et d'abord qui est cet « autre », cet « étranger », comment le définir et comprendre ce qu'il est, aux yeux de Dieu et par rapport au peuple juif ? La Bible contient des lois qui concernent tous les hommes en général, d’autres le peuple d'Israël en particulier, elle énonce des préceptes relatifs à « autrui », au « prochain », aux « étrangers ». Les Sages (...)
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    Chapitre I – Introduction : Les aristotélismes possibles et l’exégèse ancienne.Marwan Rashed - 2007 - In Essentialisme: Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 1-32.
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    Chapitre IV. L’Angle Solide.Roshdi Rashed - 2015 - In Rushdī Rāshid, Angles et grandeur: d'Euclide à Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī. ISSN. pp. 305-438.
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    In Memoriam Jacques Brunschwig.Marwan Rashed - 2010 - Elenchos 31 (1):5-20.
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    (1 other version)Les travaux perdus de Diophante.Roshdi Rashed - 1974 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 27 (2):97-122.
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  36. (1 other version)Menas, préfet di Prétoire (528-9) et philosophe: une épigramme inconnue.Marwan Rashed - 2000 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 21 (1):89-98.
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    (1 other version)Présentation.Marwan Rashed - 2008 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 86 (3):281.
  38. The Banu Musa and the Beginning of Medieval Archimedian Tradition: A Revaluation.Roshdi Rashed - 1995 - Neusis 3:135-154.
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    Table des Matières.Marwan Rashed - 2007 - In Essentialisme: Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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  40. Textes inédits transmis par l'Ambr. Q 74 sup.: Alexandre d'Aphrodise et Olympiodore d'Alexandrie.M. Rashed - 1997 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 81 (2):219-238.
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    L'Extraction de la Racine nième et l'Invention des Fractions Décimales.Roshdi Rashed - 1978 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 18 (3):191-243.
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    Ibn al-haytham, Ibn sīnā, al-ṭūsī : Égalité ou congruence.Roshdi Rashed - 2019 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 29 (2):157-170.
    RésuméLes mathématiciens et les philosophes arabophones, comme leurs prédécesseurs grecs, ont soulevé plusieurs questions épistémologiques fondamentales. Parmi ces questions figure celle qui porte sur le concept d’égalité et sur celui de congruence des grandeurs géométriques. Mais qu'entendait-on par de tels concepts? quelle était leur relation à l'idée de mouvement? Comme les réponses à ces questions combinaient souvent des éléments métriques et d'autres, philosophiques, j'ai choisi d’étudier celles d'un mathématicien, d'un philosophe et d'un mathématicien-philosophe.
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  43.  14
    Alexandre d'Aphrodise, Commentaire Perdu À la "Physique" d'Aristote (Livres Iv-Viii): Les Scholies Byzantines. Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire.Marwan Rashed - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Der heute verlorene Kommentar von Alexander aus Aphrodisias zur Physik des Aristoteles ist eines der wichtigsten Werke der Antike: beeinflusste er doch als Quelle sowohl die griechischen Kommentatoren des Aristoteles als auch - vermittelt durch die Araber - die Philosophie des Mittelalters. Die in dieser Ausgabe pr+sentierte Erstedition und Untersuchung der nahezu 700 byzantinischen Scholien, die erst j8ngst entdeckt wurden, erlauben eine genauere Rekonstruktion der physikalischen Lehren Alexanders und tragen zugleich zum besseren Verst+ndnis der Geschichte des Aristotelismus und der vorklassischen (...)
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  44.  15
    Chapitre III. Recherches Philosophico-Géométriques sur L’Angle.Roshdi Rashed - 2015 - In Rushdī Rāshid, Angles et grandeur: d'Euclide à Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī. ISSN. pp. 149-304.
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    De l’Attachement du Philosophe à son Ecole.Marwan Rashed - forthcoming - Journal of Ancient Philosophy:89-94.
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  46. Kamal al-Din.Roshdi Rashed - 2008 - In Noretta Koertge, Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Scribner’s Sons. pp. 7.
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    Hélène Bellosta 1946–2011.Roshdi Rashed - 2012 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 22 (1):151-153.
    Obituaries Roshdi Rashed, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, FirstView Article.
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    Asking the Right Questions on Psychosis and Intelligibility.Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (3):255-256.
    The challenge of understanding psychotic phenomena is one of the enduring problems in the philosophy of psychiatry. The first to formulate the problem in its philosophical dimension was Karl Jaspers in General Psycho-pathology. Jasper’s solution was rather pessimistic, for he argued that we cannot extend empathic understanding to certain phenomena, such as primary delusions. His work was followed by a long period of philosophical silence on the issue, and it was only three decades ago that philosophy began to engage once (...)
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    Recognition and Identity: Abstract Concepts, Concrete Struggles.Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (4):323-328.
    Political activity on the basis of a shared identity has been with us for several decades. Race, sexual orientation, gender, and myriad other categories form the center-of-gravity around which social groups demand recognition of the validity and value of their self-understandings. How should social and political institutions respond to these demands? In contemporary social and political philosophy much of the weight of answering this question has fallen on developing a theory of recognition. That theory would then perform several functions: It (...)
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  50.  82
    L'angle de contingence: Un problème de philosophie Des mathématiques.Roshdi Rashed - 2012 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 22 (1):1-50.
    From Euclid to the second half of the 17th century, mathematicians as well as philosophers continued to raise the question of the angle of contact and, generally, of the concept of angle. This article is the first essay devoted to this subject in Arabic mathematics. It deals with Greek writings translated into Arabic on the one hand, and contributions of Arabic mathematicians on the other hand: al-Nayrīzī, Ibn al-Haytham, al-Samawʾal, al-Shīrāzī, al-Fārisī, al-Qūshjī, among others. Most of these contributions are hitherto (...)
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